Wednesday 4 November 2009

Construction section

Unedited Pictures

Preliminary Task

This is the picture I used for the main picture of the preliminary task. It is a mid shot of a sixth former. This makes it relevant to the magazine theme.

This is another picture that was taken for the preliminary task but this was not used.

Unedited pictures for main task
Front Page

This Picture was used on the front cover of the music magazine. This is a mid-shot of an artist. so this fits in with the music magazine

This picture was edited and used on the front cover of the music magazine. This is a close-up of an artist.

This picture was taken for the main front cover picture but was not used.

This picture was taken for the main front cover picture but was not used.

This picture was taken for the main front cover picture but was not used.

This picture was taken for the front cover, it was used as the main picure. This is a mid-shot of an artist playing a guitar so is suitable for a music magazine.

Double Page Spread

This picture was edited and used as the main picture on the double page spread.

How I Did It.

Editing The Pictures

I used Adobe Photoshop to Create the Front Page and the Contents Page. I used Adobe InDesign to create the Double Page Spread.

The magic wand tool is selected and used to delete the background. Then another colour background can be added using the paint bucket tool.

Adding Text

To add text to the page I selected the text tool from the left hand side tool bar. I then clicked on the page and typed what I wanted. I then changed the size, colour and font using the top tool bar.

Adding Shapes & Colour

To add shapes the shape tool is selected. There are auto shapes that can be used or free hand could be used. I chose a square shape to add to my preliminary cover. I then filled it with colour and added a gradient effect. Another shape used here is a star, this was an auto shape that i filled with black. I did this using the colour bar in the top tool box.

Throughout the process of making the magazines there were some changes made. I orginally used too similar pictures for the front cover and double page spread so I decied to change the double page spread picture to make it look different and more interesting.

On the front cover the barcode was originally on the bottom corner, but i decided to move it to the top corner as I believed this looked better and more suitable. I have added more text to the front cover than origianlly planned as I think it looks better and more detailed.

Final Piece

Preliminary Cover

This is my final preliminary cover, the colour scheme is Green and Black. The title is at the top of the page and I have edited it into a shape. I have used black star shapes against the green background, this helps them stand out. This magazine is the sixth form edition so I put this title also on the green background. I have used a mid-shot picture of a sixthformer in the centre of the page. This picture is suitbale for the magazine as it fits in with the school theme. The text in centred around the picture. The text used tells the audience what content and articles they can find in the magazine itself. I have included the date on the magazine which in 'December 09' at the bottom of the page I added a white shape and added black text on top, this makes the text stand out and is clear to read. The text used tells the reader the content of the magazine and what page the article is on.

Front Cover

This is my final front cover of the music magazine. The title of the magazine is 'Venus Lime' and this is at the top of the page in large letters. I have embossed the title to make it stand out more on the page. the colour scheme of this page in purple, green and black. I feel these colours work well together. The barcode is in the top right hand corner of the page with the date and price underneath, this is in green against the black background which makes it clear to read. The main picture is in the centre of the page with text centred around it. This picture consists on a mid-shot of an artist with a guitar which fits in with the music theme of the magazine. There is a second smaller picture on the main picture of another mid-shot of an xfactor star, there is white text underneath explaining what the picture is and what page the article cam be found on. the text on this cover tells the auidence what content can be found in the magazine. There is a third smaller picture at the bottom of the page. this is a close-up of an artist's lips. This again tells the reader about the content of the magazine. This cover fits in with the conventional layout of other music magazines.

Double Page Spread

This is my finished Double Page Spread. I have used a wide-angled mid-shot over both pages of the spread. I edited this picture by taking out the original background using the magic wand tool in Adobe photoshop and replacing in with a special effect background. The picture is of the girlband 'true essences' this fits in with the music magazine theme. On the left hand side of the left page there is an article about the band. This article is in white so stands out well against the dark background and is clear to read. This Double Page Spread fits in well with the conventional layouts of other music magazines.

Contents Page

This is my Final Contents page. I have used the same title as on the front cover. This title represents the magazine. The main background colour is white. There is diagonal picture through the centre of the page of the artist 'spence' on the right hand side of this there is a purple triangle of colour, this fits in with the colour scheme and brakes up the white background. on this purple shape I have put the title 'Contents' and the issue number, this text is in green so stands out well against the purple background and fits in with the colour scheme.
I have split the contents into four groups; On the cover, News, Reviews, and Live. This makes it more interesting and easier to read. The four smaller titles are on purple shapes. This makes them stand out and brakes up the white background, it also fits in with the colour scheme. There is a purple box for subscription at the bottom of the page. This advertises the magazine. This layout fits in with conventional layouts of other music magazines.

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