Wednesday 4 November 2009

Planning section

Preliminary Cover Plan

This is the layout of the Preliminary cover. The title of the magazine will be in the left hand corner. This magazine is a school magazine and the title is 'Star' underneath the title there will be shapes of stars and then another smaller title in the right hand corner. The text will be situated around the main photo of a sixth former, this photo will be a mid-shot. The text will tell the reader what content can be found within the magazine. The date and issue of the magazine will also be found under the picture. There will be more content underneath the picture. The content on the magazine will be suitable for the school theme of the magazine. The colour scheme of cover will be green and black. This will make the cover attract the readers attention and also make text easy to read.

Front Page Cover Plan

This is the plan of the front page. This will be a front page for a music magazine. There is a main picture which the text will be situated around. The title will be placed at the top of the page in the left hand corner. The barcode will be on the opposite side at the top of the page. The main picture on the magazine will be of an artist playing the guitar, this picture will be a mid-shot. the colour scheme will be black, green and purple. I am going to put a smaller picture underneath the barcode of another artist, there will be text underneath the picture explaining it. There will be text around the picture letting the audience know what content is in the magazine. There will be a third picture in the bottom right hand corner of another artist, there will be text at the side of this explaining the picture. the date and price will alos be included on the front cover. I am following the conventions of other music magazine layouts and designs.

Contents Page Plan

This is the plan of the contents page of the music magazine. The title of the magazine will be situated at the top of the page in the left hand corner. The 'contents' title will be next to this. The contents will be down the left hand side of the page and it will be split into four titles. There will be pictures diagonally down the centre of the page of an artist. There will be an explanation of the pictures at the bottom of the page. at the bottom of the page there will be a subscription section where readers get subscribe to the magazine. I am again following the conventions of popular music magazine layouts.

Double Page Spread Plan

This is a plan of the Double Page Spread. There will be a large main picture accross both pages. This will be a picture of the girl band 'True Essences' There will be a article about the band down the left hand side of the page, with a large title at the start. There will be an advert underneath this artictle advertising an MTV programme starring the band. In this double page spread I am following the normal conventions of other magazine layouts and design.

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