Wednesday 4 November 2009


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I researched into different magazines to help me to decide what I would base my magazine on. I looked into NME, Q, Mojo, and The Word as inspiration and ideas for titles, fonts and layout. When researching into magazines I found that hardly any were based mainly around women, so this was something I wanted to include in my magazine. I found that the Title is usually at the top of the page in large letters and that there is a colour scheme to most magazines. There is almost always a picture in the centre of the page with text centred around it.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When researching into existing magazines I found that they were mainly aimed at men so I wanted to produce a magazine aimed at women. The colour scheme of the magazine are very feminine colours, and the stories are all based around women and things that would be of interest to women. The magazine is aimed at younger women, this is shown as the stories are all about younger music stars. The price of the magazine is £3 which is a price suitable for the target customer. This is a music magazine aimed at young women who enjoy popular music and enjoy reading stories about celebrites.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I believe Bauer media institute would be interested in distributing my product because they sell magazines such as Closer and Mojo, a female magazine and a music magazine. My product combines the two, meaning I would be opening a new market for the institute.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be young females, between 16-25 this is shown from the colour scheme and the content shown on the front page. The stories in the magazine are also based around women or of interest to women, the stories are of real poeple, which other women will be able to relate to. The stories are also based on female Celebrities which woman aspire to be like. The magazine is priced at £3 which is a suitable price for the target market.

How did you attract/address your audience?

I used the front cover to attempt to attract my audience, I did this by using bright colours for the text against a contrasting dark background. I used a large picture as the centre of the cover. I used the same colour scheme throughout the pages. I used appropriate content for the magazine which relates to the chosen audience. The stories that are advertised on the front page will attract the audience as they are gripping real life stories.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

•During production I became familiar with the programme Adobe Photoshop, I used this programme to produce my front cover and contents page.
•I was also introduced to Adobe Indesign, which I used to produce the double page spread.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel I have learnt about how to use the layers correctly in Photoshop. I have also learnt how to change the text. I have learnt how to add pictures to the page and then edit the edges. I learnt how to edit the pictures themselves and change the background. I have learnt how to use Adobe InDesign when creating my Double Page Spread.

Survey to Target Audience
1.Does the front page attract your attention?
2.Are you willing to pay the price of this magazine?
3.Are the stories within the magazine stories that are of interest to you?
4.Does the contents page give you enough information?
5.Do you belive the content in appropratie?
6.Do you feel this is similar to other products on the market?
7.Do you like the layout of the front page?
8.Do you like the layout of the double page spread?
9.Do you like the layout of the contents page?
10.Would you buy this magazine on a regular basis?

I carried out this survey with 20 people from my target audience. They were all females aged between 16-25. 18 people said that the front page attracted their attention, they thought the colour scheme worked really well. 17 people said they would pay the price of this magazine. The stories within the magazine were of interest to everyone that completed the survey. 14 people said that the contents page had enough information. If if were to do this again I could add more information to the contents. 19 people said that this magazine was similar to existing products. they all said they liked the layout of all three pages. 17 out of 20 people said that they would buy this magazine on a regular basis.

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