Wednesday 4 November 2009


I am going to research into music magazines, two front covers and a double page spread. This will help me with my task. I will then produce a questionnaire to find out what magazines are most popular.

Front Page 1.
NME is a British weekly music magazine. Featuring agenda-setting news, the UK's most comprehensive gig guide, definitive reviews of the week's hottest gigs, tracks and albums, and fiery comment from the nation's most opinionated writers, it's the essential guide to the week in music.
Arctic Monkeys, The Smiths, Klaxons and Oasis were all introduced to the world via the pages of NME, while in recent months we've given Pete Doherty a lift home from prison in our car, inadvertently made Noel Fielding cry in the middle of an interview, and rounded up the artists moving music forward in 2008 in our special Future 50 issue.
NME comes out every Wednesday and is priced at £2.20

The main picture stands out as it is in black and white, and the rest of the page is in colour. The main title of the magazine is the same every issue, this helps with brand recognition. The text on this page focuses around the main picture. The main picture is of lead singer, Noel Gallagher. The text being about his band, Oasis. Down the left hand side of the page are the articles that can be found inside the magazine. The barcode is located in the bottom right corner.

Front Page 2.
Q is a music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom, with a circulation of 130,179 as of June 2007. Q is Britain’s biggest music magazine.
The main picture is of pop singer, Madonna. Underneath her picture her name is written in bold red text, this red looks bold and clear against the black background. All text is placed around the main picture. The barcode is near the top right. There is a list of famous names underneath the main title in white, this again looks bold and clear against the black background. The colors of the text fit in with the red and white theme.

Front Page 3

Mojo is a popular music magazine published monthly. The main picture is of American band, Kings of Leon. The picture is in black and white and everything is centred around the main picture. This makes the audience focus on the band. The cover has a black background, the tile is in a large font and is white, and as the background is black the title stands out well. There is a colour scheme used which is black white and green, the white and green is used for the text so stands out against the black background. This magazine has a free Kings of Leon CD; this would be used to attract customers to buy the magazine. There are two smaller picture of different artists at the tope of the page, this shows the content of the magazine, again attracting the audience. The barcode is at the bottom of the page. There is more text on the side of the CD, telling the audience the content of the magazine.

Double Page Spread

This is a double page spread out of hit music magazine ‘NME’. On the one side there is a full page picture of the article topic. In this case Oasis. Above the picture is the main title, this is bold white writing which stands out against the dark background. There is a brief outline of what the article is about underneath the title and the bands logo. On the other side there are four other smaller pictures above the text. Each picture is explained with a small textbox in the corner of each picture. The text is in black against a white background, making it clear to read. The text is started with a large bold letter. A small section of the text is written in white against a brown background.

Double Page Spread 2.

This is a double page spread out of the music magazine ‘The Word.’ There is large picture covering both pages of the spread. The picture consists of two men sitting at a table. This picture is also used as the background for the text. As the picture is dark a white text is used to make is stand out and clear to read. The title is the largest text, then underneath there is smaller text, this summarizes the main story. Underneath this there is the main story which focuses of the picture used. The start of the story the editor has used a large B. this is something which is used in magazine text frequently and something I could look at using. There is smaller black text next to the picture; this explains what the picture is.

Contents page 1.

This is the contents page for ‘The Word.’ The colour scheme used on this page is orange, white and black. There is a orange strip at the top of the page, this contains the titles. The titles are in white which stands out against the orange background and makes it clear to read. The magazine title is used at the top and it also makes it clear that this is the contents page on the left hand side. Underneath this there is the issue number and the date. The rest of the background is white and black text is used. There is a larger picture of a singer with small white text in the corner explaining the picture. Underneath the large picture there is a smaller title with a piece from the editor underneath. At the start of the text there is a picture of the editor, this lets the reader know who the editor is. At the bottom of the page there is a subscription box. This allows readers to subscribe to there favourite music magazine. On the right hand side of the page is the full list of what is in the magazine and what page its on.

Contents Page 2.

This is a contents page of music magazine ‘NME’ an index of all bands mentioned in the magazine are in a long vertical list down the left. The title ‘NME this week’ is at the top of the page, it is against a black background to make it stand out. The date is placed underneath it. The contents itself is placed under five headings;
These headings are also white on a black background to make them stand out. They are also bigger than the rest of the contents. An advertisement for the magazine is at the bottom of the page. The main picture is in the middle of the page with the title underneath it. an explanation of the picture is then under the title.

Magazine Research Questionnaire

How old are you?

Are you Male or Female?

Male Female

Do you read Music Magazines?

Yes No

If No, any reason why?

If Yes do you read any of the below?

NME Kerrang Q Mojo

Is there any other Music Magazine you buy?

What attracts you too buy a magazine?

Do you buy a music magazine regularly?

Yes No

How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?

Less than £2 Less than £3 Less than £4 More than £5

Do you prefer more text or photos in a music magazine?

Questionnaire Results;

The results of the questionnaire show that most people who completed the questionnaire were between 16 and 20.
There was an equal amount of males and females, but the males said that they read music magazines more than the females did. When asked why they said that they believed the music magazines around were mainly aimed at males. There was a mixed answer when asked what music magazine they read. The most popular answer to ‘what attracts you to a magazine’ was the front cover. Most people said they would spend under £3 on a music magazine and that they preferred photos rather then text.

After looking at the results of the questionnaire I have found that females believe that there are no music magazines aimed at them. I am going to aim my magazine at females.

Preliminary Research

For my preliminary task I am producing a school magazine front cover, I will research into what things could be used and what context could go into the magazine. I will research into an existing school magazine to help me when producing mine. I will also carry out a survey with my target audience so find out about their wants and needs.

What things could be included on the school magazine?
There are many things that can be included on a school magazine.
Sports information and fixtures
Exam timetables
Charity events
Quizzes and competitions
Homework blog
Teacher guidance
Upcoming school events
Sixth form section

Existing magazine

This is an existing school magazine for King Edwards Girls School. There is a main picture used on this page, it covers the whole of the page and is also used as the background for the text. The picture is of one of the students. The magazine is called High Profile and this is the main title on the page. This is the largest title and is in black. The black, bold writing stands out well against the background making it clear to read. Above this title it states the school this magazine is for. Underneath is the issue and date. At the side of the picture there is a smaller title in white that explains the picture and says what page number the cover story is on. At the bottom of the page there is a strip which tells the audience what is included within the magazine.

I have carried out a survey to find out what my target audience wants top see in their school magazine

1. How old are you?
2. Are you male or female?
3. What year are you in at School?
4. What’s your favorite lesson?
5. Do you enjoy sport within school?
6. Does you school have a school magazine?
7. If not, would you want one?
8. Would you want to see sporting fixtures in the magazine?
9. Would you want quizzes and competitions in the magazine?
10. Would you subscribe to the magazine?

After carrying out this survey on ten people I came to these results:
Most people were aged between 16 and 18; this tells me that a sixth form section would be suitable in my magazine. There was an equal mixture of male and females. 7 out of ten people were in the sixth form, and 3 people were in year eleven. The most common favorite sport was PE; this tells me that a sports section would be suitable in my magazine. All ten people said there school doesn’t have a school magazine but they would want one. Again all ten people said they would want to see sports fixtures in the magazine. 8 out of ten people said they would want quizzes and competitions and 5 out of 5 people would subscribe to the magazine.

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